#1675174) libels an attorney of the Oregon Minority Lawyer's Association.
This time, Debbie posted teh libel on her blog.
(We have "blue boxed" the original blog, to protect the innocent.)

A blog devoted to reminding Deb Frisch that, even if she takes down her libelous and harassing posts, the evidence has been screencapped...and forwarded to appropriate authorities...[dfrisch@pobox.com dfrisch@nsf.gov or dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu]
Deborah Frisch (dfrisch@pobox.com) wrote:
Here's a joke from eugene craigslist i thought you might like.
how many jews can you fit in a car?
two in the front seat, three in the back and six million in the ashtray.
i told my jewish brother this joke but i have not had the nerve yet to tell my jewish parents.
A half hour later, after the site told her I would post her joke on the Hate Mail page, Deborah Frisch (dfrisch@pobox.com) wrote:
. . . cool - that's why I sent it, you zionofascist nutcase with the social skills of a cordless drill.
you know, jim, i'll be straight with you. people like [REDACTED] and the other techno-nerdy eco[NOMICS]terrorists who created the mess we are in don't just belong behind bars. they belong behind barbed wire. i'll tell you, sometimes i think we threw the lamp out with the lampshade!
make sure you spell my email address right: that's d as in darfur, f as in fallujah, r as in remulac, i as in insane, s as in sunshine, c as in cheerios, h as in hostile AT SIGN pobox.com!