A blog devoted to reminding Deb Frisch that, even if she takes down her libelous and harassing posts, the evidence has been screencapped...and forwarded to appropriate authorities...[dfrisch@pobox.com dfrisch@nsf.gov or dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu]

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Deb Frisch fears being deposed (3/24/10)

LULZ, in today's blog, Debbie Frisch tries to evade being deposed by the lawyer for City of Eugene--no doubt because this attorney has repeatedly exposed Deborah Frisch's incompetence and stupidity.

[MOAR lulz here]

Monday, March 22, 2010

Deb Frisch tries to harass lawyers who are pwning her (3/22/10)

Dumdeb hates how lawyers expose her inferior intelligence and
total impotence. Small wonder, then, that Debbie posted a blog
today of notice that lawyers for teh City of Eugene have filed for
extra time to depose (read: humiliate) Deborah Frisch.

Miss Debbie must have realized her stoopidity after hitting "post,"
since she tried to delete the blog shortly after posting.

But of course, as this blog aims to show: TEH INTERNET IS


Deb Frisch sends vulgar email, learns that INTERNET = 4EVAR

Looks like Debbie Frisch is having a busy morning. Here is the second of
three blogs she's posted, quoting a vulgar email she sent (referring to "the
big guy who fucked Mary").

Most hilarious here is how Deborah Frisch is frothing over the fact that
one of her blogs, which she attempted to delete, ended up on this website.
LULZ. (Debbie's spittle-flecked blogs ALSO end up forwarded to appropriate
authorities, but that's another story...;))

This brings DumDeb one step closer to learning: there IS no "delete" on


Deb Frisch sends harassing email to St. Olaf's (3/22/10)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Moar Deb Frisch spew on Facebook (3/21/10)

This time, Deborah Frisch harasses a State Representative...


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Deb Frisch posts epithets, vulgarity on Facebook (3/18/10)

Debbie is no doubt in a bad mood today, since a Federal judge beat down
Dumb Deborah Frisch's attempt to expand her frivolous lawsuit

Today, Deb Frisch posted vulgarities and racial epithets on a local news
station's Facebook fan page...


Monday, March 15, 2010

Deb Frisch tries some Facebook harassment (3/13/10)

Debbie hates it when someone stands up to her bullying on Facebook;
hence this laughable attempt to harass a person who warns Facebook
peeps about Debbie's criminal convictions (and her being on probation
until 2012):

Deborah Frisch also sent some vulgar hate mail one this vanguard's

Deb Frisch March 13 at 7:47pm Report
why are you facebook friends with jake [REDACT] whose sole purpose
is to harass me? do you really want to fuck with me, fatso?

To which the person LOLed and replied to bully Deb Frisch:

Hey you nasty B**ch......I have no freaking clue who you are, so why the f**k are you harrassing me? I have whoever I want on my friend's list, so if you've got a problem with that, get the hell over it. I only know him from online because someone else suggested him. And you're gonna do what to me if I "f**k with you? How about this - you just got your dumb as* reported for giving me a hard time!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Deb Frisch Libels a Forensic Psychologist (3/11/2010)

Dummy Deborah Frisch thought she could take down her
libelous blog (at hecklingaloud) about a forensic psychologist...
she still hasn't learned that THE INTERNET IS FOREVER, DEBBIE!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Deb Frisch's MANIC MARCH 2010

Well, this month is only one-third over, but Deborah Frisch has already put in a full quota of crayzee on her blog, Facebook, and in frivolous Federal Court filings...

Yesterday, Deb Frisch revealed how she's libeled and harassed and threatened ALL of teh federal judges in Eugene...since, of course, these judges are calling bullshit on Frisch's frivolous lawsuit, which is being pwned piece by piece.

Before that (and when she wasn't busy harassing a federal judge's Chief Deputy, as she did by phone Friday and by mail Monday), Deb Frisch left some sick droppings on Facebook. Frisch's victim here was a member of Lane County's Board of Commissioners...which had the good sense and fortitude to tell Debbie to STFU. (LOL alert: kinda funny that Debbie would tawk about anyone's "get[ting] a real job," since Dumdeb has been jobless since she threatened a
child online in 2006!)

Around the same time, Deb Frisch posted some sickness to her blog--including a lulzy "Dear John" letter. (It's unknown, so far, where Debbie is trolling for dates--but followers of teh Deb Frisch trainwreck know that she doesn't take rejection so well, lol.)

Deborah Frisch also had a shitstorm on her blog targeting lawyers--since, of late, they have had teh right, teh power, and teh intehlligence to expose Miss Debbie's wrongs, impotence, and stoopidity:


And, as we've already reported, Deborah Frisch got pwned trying to intimidate teh Lane County District Attorney who held Debbie accountable for her crimes in 2009:


And Debbie made sure to start off teh month right, with an unhinged Facebook post on a local Jewish temple's Facebook page:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


In yesterday's blog dump, Deborah Frisch revealed that she stalked
the Lane County DA at a Feb 1 Use of Force meeting in Lane County.

Frisch, of course, has been impotently livid since the LCDA held DumDeb
responsible for her criminal actions by winning a criminal conviction
against her last March. As a result, Frisch remains on probation until
. (The LCDA triumphed even despite Frisch's attempts to threaten
her victim into silence
; DumDeb, bully that she is, hates it when peeps
stand up to her threats.)

The LCDA was also heroically instrumental in shutting down Debbie
Frisch's torrent of harassing emails to Lane County--not only have
Frisch's emails been blocked by Lane County (since Feb 2008), but
Frisch has been slapped with a STFU order by Lane County officials,
which will lead to immediate arrest if Frisch violates it

Here's a screencap of seething Deb Frisch at the meeting (where the
LCDA was also present

Of course, Frisch's true intentions became even MOAR obvious
when DumDeb emailed a bogus fantasy to teh news outlet
covering the meeting:

Needless to say, Frisch's infantile taunt was ignored by teh news outlet.
As usual, Frisch's attempts to bully were nipped in the bud.


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