In yesterday's blog dump, Deborah Frisch revealed that she stalked
the Lane County DA at a Feb 1 Use of Force meeting in Lane County.
Frisch, of course, has been impotently livid since the LCDA held DumDeb
responsible for her criminal actions by winning a criminal conviction
against her last March. As a result, Frisch remains on probation until
2012. (The LCDA triumphed even despite Frisch's attempts to threaten
her victim into silence; DumDeb, bully that she is, hates it when peeps
stand up to her threats.)
The LCDA was also heroically instrumental in shutting down Debbie
Frisch's torrent of harassing emails to Lane County--not only have
Frisch's emails been blocked by Lane County (since Feb 2008), but
Frisch has been slapped with a STFU order by Lane County officials,
which will lead to immediate arrest if Frisch violates it.
Here's a screencap of seething Deb Frisch at the meeting (where the
LCDA was also present).

Of course, Frisch's true intentions became even MOAR obvious
when DumDeb emailed a bogus fantasy to teh news outlet
covering the meeting:

Needless to say, Frisch's infantile taunt was ignored by teh news outlet.
As usual, Frisch's attempts to bully were nipped in the bud.
In yesterday's blog dump, Deborah Frisch revealed that she stalked
the Lane County DA at a Feb 1 Use of Force meeting in Lane County.
Frisch, of course, has been impotently livid since the LCDA held DumDeb
responsible for her criminal actions by winning a criminal conviction
against her last March. As a result, Frisch remains on probation until
2012. (The LCDA triumphed even despite Frisch's attempts to threaten
her victim into silence; DumDeb, bully that she is, hates it when peeps
stand up to her threats.)
The LCDA was also heroically instrumental in shutting down Debbie
Frisch's torrent of harassing emails to Lane County--not only have
Frisch's emails been blocked by Lane County (since Feb 2008), but
Frisch has been slapped with a STFU order by Lane County officials,
which will lead to immediate arrest if Frisch violates it.
Here's a screencap of seething Deb Frisch at the meeting (where the
LCDA was also present).

Of course, Frisch's true intentions became even MOAR obvious
when DumDeb emailed a bogus fantasy to teh news outlet
covering the meeting:

Needless to say, Frisch's infantile taunt was ignored by teh news outlet.
As usual, Frisch's attempts to bully were nipped in the bud.
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