A blog devoted to reminding Deb Frisch that, even if she takes down her libelous and harassing posts, the evidence has been screencapped...and forwarded to appropriate authorities...[dfrisch@pobox.com dfrisch@nsf.gov or dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu]

Monday, April 26, 2010

City of Eugene releases Deb Frisch vulgar emails (4/26/10)

In a Motion to smackdown Debbie Frisch with sanctions,
filed in Federal Court today, teh City of Eugene filed a 23-page
"Declaration," stuffed with vile emails Dummy Deb Frisch
sent to lawyers in teh case--as well as federal court staff.
(Debbie has been repeatedly warned by teh judge that,
if she persists in sending vulgar emails to court staff, she
could face "sanctions...including dismissal of [her frivolous]

Teh emails (including such words as "cock," "tits," "shlong,"
"schmuck" and "humping," and a thinly-veiled reference to
oral sex) illustrate Debbie's mentally impotent strategery:
When confronted by superior intellects, Deborah
Frisch's only recourse is limp-lobed bullying,
vulgarity, vileness, libel
and harassment.

But once Debbie is hit with teh $515.00 bill by teh Court,
perhaps DumDeb will begin to realize that her actions have

Here are screencaps of Little Miss Debbie's emails. In brief,

(1) Deb Frisch, fearing her humiliation at a deposition, tries
to renege on teh date she agreed on (3/24/10)
(2) Deb Frisch sends another vulgar email to lawyers
representing teh City of Eugene (3/24/10)
(3) Deb Frisch sends a vile email to lawyers--and teh Eugene
Federal District Court's Deputy-in-Chief (3/25/10)

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