A blog devoted to reminding Deb Frisch that, even if she takes down her libelous and harassing posts, the evidence has been screencapped...and forwarded to appropriate authorities...[dfrisch@pobox.com dfrisch@nsf.gov or dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu]

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Federal Court Squashes Deb Frisch Limp-Lobed Fishing Expedition (6/3/10)

Another day, another SMACKDOWN for Debbie Frisch in Federal Court.

On Thursday, teh judge overseeing Dummy Debbie's frivolous lawsuit
needed fewer than 150 words to demolish Teh Deb's laughably impotent
attempt to harass court employees and violate their privacy by getting
hold of their emails.

Debbie is still howling over teh Federal Judge's May 17th GTFO! Order,
which bans Debbie from entering any Oregon federal courthouse. (Debbie's
vulgar and harassing behavior was described at length in teh judge's May 10th
Order to Show Cause
. Debbie's disgusting behavior was also described in a
May 14th "Incident Report" filed by Eugene Federal Court Security Officers.)

Debbie's "Motion to View Documents," filed May 21st, was her pathetic attempt
to further harass the court employees who won a major victory by barring
Deborah Frisch's saggy azz from teh courthouse.

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