A blog devoted to reminding Deb Frisch that, even if she takes down her libelous and harassing posts, the evidence has been screencapped...and forwarded to appropriate authorities...[dfrisch@pobox.com dfrisch@nsf.gov or dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu]

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Deb Frisch sends "go*k c*nt" letter to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1 Sept 2014)

Rather ironic Debbie would mock someone for being denied tenure (as she was)
For losing their job due to unethical behavior (as she did)
And aiming to get others locked up (as she is [Feb 19 2015])

EPD police call to arrest Deb Frisch, Lane Sheriff Updates Charges

Here's the legal stuff: Debbie's arrest at home (which took 6 officers),
The charges updated by the Lane County Sheriff, and (of course!) the
mug shot of Deborah Ellen Frisch (aka Oregon Criminal LCAC1675174)

Deborah Frisch (Deborah Ellen Frisch) arrest call Eugene Police Department 19 February 2015

Deborah Frisch (Deborah Ellen Frisch) charged with 3 counts stalking, 1 count initiating false report

Deborah Frisch (Deborah Ellen Frisch) 1675174

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Deb Frisch gets drunk, gets cut off at bar, makes threats (17 Feb 2015)

Remember when we said that bars serving Debbie alcohol are just asking for

Exhibit 'A': Debbie gets drunk, Debbie feels "insulted," Debbie tries extortion:

Warning: Deborah Frisch, who emails using the addresses dfrisch@pobox.com and coyotemind@gmail.com (and debfrisch14@gmail.com and lanelawwatch@gmail.com and in the past as dfrisch@nsf.gov and dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu)  has criminal convictions for assault, stalking, harassment and threatening. Here are links to information about:

If Frisch gets threatening, call the Lane County Sheriff's Office (541-682-4150) and/or
the Lane County Victims Services Department (541-682-4523). They're both VERY
well acquainted with Deb Frisch's criminal record. Reference Frisch's Oregon Criminal
ID number (1675174)

Monday, February 16, 2015

Deb Frisch libels Occupy Eugene (16 Feb 2015)

Need a scoresheet to keep track of this.
  • Said obscene, threatening phone message makes the rounds.
  • Debbie goes batfrisch crazy (definition here), libeling and threatening an Occupy Eugener Note the usual projection: Debbie calling someone a "criminal"...for the "crime" of revealing Debbie's criminal behavior!

  • And, for good measure, Debbie decides to libel a few other Occupy Eugeners

  • But Occupy Eugene has a spine, and gives Debbie fair warning:

Will Debbie have the good sense to retract her libel? Surely you jest!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Deborah Frisch makes toothless threat to sue Occupy Eugene (15 Feb 2015)

Debbie still seems to think her empty legal threats still intimidate people. In this
"tort claims notice," moron Debbie seems to think the law will penalize people
who have the good sense to tell dummy Deb Frisch to "STFU and Talk to the Hand"

Debbie's kinda mad at Occupy Eugene lately, as evidence by her drunken unhinged threatening phone message she left them...

Unfortunately for Debbie, there's this thing called "google," which quickly
reveals why her "tort claims notices are toothless"
For MOAR on  Debbie's legal EPIC FAIL in trying to sue Eugene Oregon in 2009-2010... 

deb frisch frivolous lawsuit, lanelawwatch@gmail.com, lanelawwatch, deb frisch toothless tort claims notices, deb frisch tort claims notices, deb frisch dumbass, dfrisch@nsf.gov, dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu,

Beware, Deb Frisch drinks at Viking Braggot Company (15 Feb 2015)

First Sixteen Tons, now this? MORE drinking worship from Debbie Frisch? Why are we NOT surprised?

Oh, yeah: that Domestic Violence report which described Debbie's drunken behavior at the John Henry Bar, followed by her attempt to drive intoxicated... Hope Viking Braggot Company (520 Commercial St, Unit F Eugene Oregon)
has good liability insurance...

Warning: Deborah Frisch, who emails using the addresses dfrisch@pobox.com and coyotemind@gmail.com (and debfrisch14@gmail.com and lanelawwatch@gmail.com and in the past as dfrisch@nsf.gov and dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu)  has criminal convictions for assault, stalking, harassment and threatening. Here are links to information about:

If Frisch gets threatening, call the Lane County Sheriff's Office (541-682-4150) and/or
the Lane County Victims Services Department (541-682-4523). They're both VERY
well acquainted with Deb Frisch's criminal record. Reference Frisch's Oregon Criminal
ID number (1675174)

LOL, even the Free Diane Downs peeps IGNORE Deb Frisch! LOL (13 Feb 2015)

Debbie has a habit of shitting where she eats. Occupy Eugene has kicked her to the curb.
Will the Free Diane Downs peeps be further behind?

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Deb Frisch DUI, stalking @ Sixteen Tons (265 E 13th & Cafe at 2864 Willamette) 13 Feb 2015

Stalking customers, then drinking and driving...why are we NOT surprised?

Oh, yeah: that Domestic Violence report which described Debbie's drunken behavior at the John Henry Bar, followed by her attempt to drive intoxicated...

Hope Sixteen Tons (265 E 13th & Cafe at 2864 Willamette) has some good liability

Warning: Deborah Frisch, who emails using the addresses dfrisch@pobox.com and coyotemind@gmail.com (and debfrisch14@gmail.com and lanelawwatch@gmail.com and in the past as dfrisch@nsf.gov and dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu)  has criminal convictions for assault, stalking, harassment and threatening. Here are links to information about:

If Frisch gets threatening, call the Lane County Sheriff's Office (541-682-4150) and/or
the Lane County Victims Services Department (541-682-4523). They're both VERY
well acquainted with Deb Frisch's criminal record. Reference Frisch's Oregon Criminal
ID number (1675174)

Friday, February 13, 2015

STFU Deb Frisch (12 February 2015)

Debbie gets a lot of these "cease and desist" (STFU) emails in response to her
criminal harassment and stalking habits. 

One of these days, Deborah Ellen Frisch is gonna get blackout drunk, harass the
wrong person, and wake up in the pokey...

Warning: Deborah Frisch, who emails using the addresses dfrisch@pobox.com and coyotemind@gmail.com (and debfrisch14@gmail.com and lanelawwatch@gmail.com and in the past as dfrisch@nsf.gov and dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu)  has criminal convictions for assault, stalking, harassment and threatening. Here are links to information about:

If Frisch gets threatening, call the Lane County Sheriff's Office (541-682-4150) and/or
the Lane County Victims Services Department (541-682-4523). They're both VERY
well acquainted with Deb Frisch's criminal record. Reference Frisch's Oregon Criminal
ID number (1675174)

If you wish to sue Miss Frisch, have the process-server deliver the papers here:
Deborah Frisch
86574 N Modesto Drive
Eugene OR 97402


Deb Frisch Deborah Frisch Deborah Ellen Frisch dfrisch@nsf.gov

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Debbie Frisch stews over the EPIC FAIL of her life (4 Feb 2015)

LOL, in this post, Debbie remains steamed at the lawyer who successfully
It's gotta suck to look back on a life of impotent FAIL, as Deb Frisch has to... No wonder she
still lashes out at peeps who thrashed her 8 YEARS AGO

Oh...you're most welcome, Debbie! Here's a big MOAR publicity, so your victims know where
to send the arresting officers:
Deborah Frisch
86574 N Modesto Drive
Eugene OR 97402


Warning: Deborah Frisch, who emails using the addresses dfrisch@pobox.com and coyotemind@gmail.com (and debfrisch14@gmail.com and lanelawwatch@gmail.com and in the past as dfrisch@nsf.gov and dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu)  has criminal convictions for assault, stalking, harassment and threatening. Here are links to information about:

If Frisch gets threatening, call the Lane County Sheriff's Office (541-682-4150) and/or
the Lane County Victims Services Department (541-682-4523). They're both VERY
well acquainted with Deb Frisch's criminal record. Reference Frisch's Oregon Criminal
ID number (1675174)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Deb Frisch too stupidrunk to operate computer, blames KLCC (Feb 7-10 2015)

Heh...so Debbie (a.k.a. debfrisch14@gmail.com) blames being drunk, stupid and computer illiterate on other people? Why are we not surprised?

Debbie committing extortion ("if you prefer i not send you threatening harassing emails, please reply to this and say 'yes, we will credit your credit card'")? Par for the course...

Given Debbie's past drunken criminal behavior, it's probably not a good idea to have Debbie at
a drinking festival...as I'm sure Debbie's latest victims have since realized...

Warning: Deborah Frisch, who emails using the addresses dfrisch@pobox.com and coyotemind@gmail.com (and debfrisch14@gmail.com and lanelawwatch@gmail.com and in the past as dfrisch@nsf.gov and dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu)  has criminal convictions for assault, stalking, harassment and threatening. Here are links to information about:

If Frisch gets threatening, call the Lane County Sheriff's Office (541-682-4150) and/or
the Lane County Victims Services Department (541-682-4523). They're both VERY
well acquainted with Deb Frisch's criminal record. Reference Frisch's Oregon Criminal
ID number (1675174)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Much-arrested Deb Frisch stupidly predicts FBI agent's "imminent" arrest (2/3/2015)

LOL, silly Debbie predicts "imminent" arrest of FBI agent on facebook...

1) If "Minteh" is an FBI agent, then that's news to her!
Remember that time Debbie thought she outed "Sinner"? And got MASSIVELY pwned?

2) If anyone's in danger of imminent arrest, it's Oregon Criminal 1675174 (google it),

3) It's awfully STOOPID for Debbie to start harassing an FBI agent...not unless
she wants to get a not-so-friendly visit from them...AGAIN

For more LOLs (and evidence that limp-lobed Debbie doesn't learn from her past
beatdowns) See:

Warning: Deborah Frisch, who emails using the addresses dfrisch@pobox.com and coyotemind@gmail.com (and debfrisch14@gmail.com and lanelawwatch@gmail.com and in the past as dfrisch@nsf.gov and dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu)  has criminal convictions for assault, stalking, harassment and threatening. Here are links to information about:

If Frisch gets threatening, call the Lane County Sheriff's Office (541-682-4150) and/or
the Lane County Victims Services Department (541-682-4523). They're both VERY
well acquainted with Deb Frisch's criminal record. Reference Frisch's Oregon Criminal
ID number (1675174)


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Debbie Frisch threatens Federal Magistrate judge (8 January 2015)

Oh, look! Dummy Deborah Frisch wants to risk FEDERAL criminal charges by
threatening the Federal Magistrate judge who ordered her to STFU back in 2010!

Here's a play-by-play of Debbie's idiocy during her last run-ins with federal judges...

Deborah Frisch makes toothless threat to sue City of Eugene (4 January 2015)

Debbie still seems to think her empty legal threats still intimidate people. In this
"tort claims notice," moron Debbie seems to think the law will penalize people
who have the good sense to tell dummy Deb Frisch to "STFU and Talk to the Hand"

I believe that by violating my eight amendment right to be free of cruel and unusual 
punishment (i.e. abrupt cessation of returning or answering phone calls), you violate
 a statute pertaining to your office thereby engaging in multiple counts of official 
misconduct in the second degree.  every unreturned voicemail (2? 3?) is a count.

LOL, no Debbie. Every unreturned voicemail is a CLUE that no one gives a flying
f*ck about your idiotic rantings...

Unfortunately for Debbie, there's this thing called "google," which quickly
reveals why her "tort claims notices are toothless"
Oh, and teh 9th Circuit Court of Appeals? They told her, in no uncertain terms,
to STFU in 2010.

Debbie, meet Shit's Creek. No, you cannot haz paddle.

Please consider this your notice, pursuant to at least Oregon Revised Statutes 30.275 and possibly other state and federal statutes that I plan to name you as a defendant in a civil suit to be filed in United States District Court and/or Lane County Circuit Court. I believe you committed multiple counts of official misconduct in the second degree pursuant to ORS 162.405 that have caused and continue to cause me cognitive, emotional and spiritual damages.


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