A blog devoted to reminding Deb Frisch that, even if she takes down her libelous and harassing posts, the evidence has been screencapped...and forwarded to appropriate authorities...[dfrisch@pobox.com dfrisch@nsf.gov or dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu]

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Still more Deb Frisch trolling on EJMR (1/25/2016)

Debbie continues her stalking and libelous habits on EJMR tonight...and everyone there knows Debbie's stupidity when it rears its head...

TRUTH: Oregon Criminal 1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch envies others' academic achievements and successful careers...
because dumbass Debbie
  • got denied tenure & dumped by University of Oregon in 2000
  • got fired by the University of Arizona in 2006
  • has been unemployable and unpublished since 2006.
Deborah Ellen Frisch has a criminal record for stalking, harassment and other crimes.

Warning:  Deborah Frisch, who emails using the addresses truthisoutthere16@yahoo.com and dfrisch@pobox.com and coyotemind@gmail.com (and debfrisch14@gmail.com and lanelawwatch@gmail.com)  
has criminal convictions for assault, stalking, harassment and threatening. She was jailed for 6 months in 2015 for her criminal behavior.

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