A blog devoted to reminding Deb Frisch that, even if she takes down her libelous and harassing posts, the evidence has been screencapped...and forwarded to appropriate authorities...[dfrisch@pobox.com dfrisch@nsf.gov or dfrisch@oregon.uoregon.edu]

Friday, June 19, 2015

lol...MOAR toothless tort claims notices from Oregon Criminal Debbie Frisch (April to June 2015)

Update June 19: Debbie toothlessly threatens to sue Deschutes County. Does she actually think they don't know what an EPIC FAIL Debbie's last lolsuit was?

Update June 17: So dummy Debbie thinks she can sue the judge? LOL

Update June 14: Debbie threatening to sue doctors who were charged with overseeing Debbie as a result of her criminal behavior.

Update June 7: Debbie posts another toothless tort claims notice. Aside from its usual stoopidity, it's hilarious that Debbie would tawk about "deposing" the police officers. Does Debbie think we've forgotten "the elementary legal fact...that her attempt to harass Eugene/Lane County/Springfield officials with depositions will cost MONEY--LOTS of it!" Does Debbie think we've forgotten that Debbie doesn't HAVE that kind of $$$?

Remember what happened the last time you tried to BEG for that money from the plaintiffs, Debbie?

Update June 3: Debbie's stoopidity continues...

Update May 29: And Debbie's TOOTHLESS TORT CLAIMS continue...
(for an "ace of torts," Debbie sure has a lot of EPIC FAILs in her legal history...)

For teh record:
Unfortunately for Debbie, there's also this thing called "google," which quickly
reveals why her "tort claims notices" are toothless
  1. REAL Lawyers at AboveTheLaw.com mock Debbie's legal stoopidity
  2. There's a SCREENING ORDER which means that Debbie's paperwork will be reviewed (and promptly squashed) by a federal judge whenever she files it.
  3.  Deborah Frisch is BANNED from visiting teh federal court in person
  4.  Deb Frisch has had her electronic filing access YANKED by teh Federal Courts 
For MOAR on  Debbie's legal EPIC FAIL in trying to sue Eugene Oregon in 2009-2010... 

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